Uplifting others is a fairly simple task. It involves little to no preparation, time, money or resources. It's something we can all freely give and receive, yet many of us go days, months even years without lending an encouraging word or feeling encouraged ourselves. Hope Seekers strives to give the gift of encouragement to everyone, and believes that a step toward making the world a better place starts with uplifting others. So... The next time you notice something good about someone, tell them.
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~ Anne Frank
Current Campaign For Hope
Impacting Hearts
Introducing the Panther Family (Jay, mamma Starr and Shane) founders of Young Life: Impacting Hearts, Orange County

Goal: $2,500

The Panther family is on a mission for God. Jay and (Shane) are brothers and Starr is their mother. Jay and (Shane) were both professional athletes until a year and a half ago. (Shane) played soccer in the MLS for real Salt Lake and Jay was on the US ski team. They all felt like God was calling them to do something to help the marginalized. Without knowing what God had in store, Jay and (Shane) both retired and moved to Long Beach to be with their mom. In a matter of months God made it clear that they are to create a ministry to help foster youth. God gave them the audacious vision of a ministry that exists all over the world and is helping millions of orphans! One year in, there is ministry happening in LA in orange county. The family is working full time to train leaders, help kids, Then create a replicable ministry model that can be franchised throughout young life globally!
Q. What's your story?
Young Life: Impacting Hearts is a Christian, relational based mentoring program that works with foster youth. Our goal is for every foster youth between the ages of 11 and 24 in Orange County to have access to a Young Life: Impacting Hearts leader and club. Young Life has a rich 75 year history of working with adolescents between the ages of 11-24 (6th grade through college). Every young person has the right to hear about Jesus in a way that they can understand, allowing them to make their own decision about Him. We achieve this by living alongside young people in their worlds and sharing our life with them – incarnational ministry.
Foster youth need stable, consistent, relational connections with positive parental figures. Impacting Hearts creates environments in which leaders can establish real, trusting relationships with the kids to offer them the love and family they need. These relationships are formed through weekly youth clubs, special events, and week-long or weekend camps. As natural relationships form, our leaders turn into mentors who can walk through life with the kids on a daily basis.
Q. What is the mission of your organization?
We will provide camp scholarships for youth. Camp costs $600 per youth. That includes every cost from transportation to room and board to activities.
Young Life executes the camp experience with the highest level of excellence, it cannot even be described, only experienced! Camp is the ‘funnest week of your life,’ especially for these kids! Spending 24 hours a day together means seeing each other at the highest and lowest points. This accelerates a trusting relationship in ways that are nearly impossible to experience in day to day life. Removing daily distractions and living in a new environment creates the opportunity to experience God in an unparalleled way.
Q. What will you do with the funds donated?
Website: https://ocimpactinghearts.younglife.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/ImpactingHeartsOC
Instagram: http://instagram.com/impactingheartsoc
Q. Anything else you would like our donors to know about you?